Fit for purpose

The way some brands and club fitters discuss shaft options has become over-simplified and we see lots of players coming to us for fittings who have misunderstood the information that’s out there. They’ve then picked a club off the shelf, or ordered it online, which is completely wrong for them – despite making an educated guess at what they needed based on their clubhead speed.

One of the skills a club fitter offers is understanding what each shaft brand, and their offerings, can deliver for different players. For starters, each brand’s flex options are unique to them – so one brand’s regular is as firm as another brand’s stiff option. We also have variations in weight, torque and bend profile to name just a few of the options.

My best advice is to get fitted and use data to make informed decisions about the equipment in your bag. Every golfer and golf swing is unique and while you may swing it fast enough and create enough spin to hit an eight-degree driver in the air, if the torque and bend profile of the shaft are incorrect, you’re going to have a hard time controlling it and maximising distance and launch conditions.

Thirsk & Northallerton Golf Club-based PGA professional Lewis Garbutt is a member of the Ross Jackson Golf team.

To book a fitting with Ross Jackson Golf, contact the team at Thirsk & Northallerton on 01845 525115 (opt 4) or Middlesbrough Municipal Golf Centre on 01642 133 101.

For more custom fitting advice and tips from Lewis and the team – check out the Ross Jackson Golf accounts on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and X.