Morpeth attracts young talent

Sintons Junior Golf Academy at Morpeth continues to go from strength to strength.

The academy has had around 40 juniors re-join for the new season and there is a waiting list of 12 juniors. The academy runs each Thursday evening from May to October with two sessions (6-7pm and 7-8pm).

The coaching also continues monthly throughout the winter at N1 Gubeon or at Morpeth with tri-golf sessions to ensure that the club keeps in contact with the juniors and their parents. The coaching consists of five groups from 6-7pm, covering all aspects of the game – putting, chipping, long game, academy holes (par threes) and on-course (for course management and rules). From 7-8pm the older and more experienced players cover all aspects of the game and spend time on the course learning about competitive golf with one of the club’s professionals.

The scheme is also backed by many volunteers including seven PGA Level 1 coaches.

If there are more applications, the organisers hope to create an extra group for their 7-8pm slot. More information is available from Morpeth Golf Club, tel 01670 504 942 or email