Up to scratch

Gracie Thompson and Yaseen Mohammed triumphed in the Up to Scratch Challenge at Leeds Golf Centre.

The event, which gives beginners from across the region the chance go head-to-head in a three hole knock out competition following seven weeks of coaching, received a record 700 entries this year.

Thompson won the inaugural Junior Up to Scratch Challenge, which launched this year as part of Leeds Golf Centre’s initiative to encourage players of all abilities and ages to enjoy the sport. With her win, she receives a year’s academy membership giving her access to the par three course and discounted rates for practice and tuition.

Now in its second year, the open age category for the Up to Scratch Challenge culminated in a thrilling stand-off between the top four players in the knockout – Yaseen Mohammed, Tom Holmes, Brian Underhill and Nathan Young. With Brian winning against Tom, and Yaseen beating Nathan on the fourth hole following a tie on the third, Brian and Yaseen battled for the championship. Yaseen triumphed with a score of nine shots over the three holes.

Yaseen won a year’s free full membership to Wike Ridge Golf Club, which he is confident he will use frequently. The other participants of the open age category were offered half price academy membership for taking part.

The next Up to Scratch Challenge is open now, with a seniors’ and an open age category. To book your place tel 0113 288 6000.